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Sally Thomson

Landscape Artist


Sally Thomson loves making impressionistic landscape paintings with oils using a palette knife. She said that, "The environment is an amazing mosaic of colourful shapes and I love nothing better than to use paint to bring these shapes to life."

From early childhood, Sally lived on the Strathbogie Ranges, Northeast Victoria, developing an appreciation for the amazing environment and how it changes with the seasons.


Sally has not always used oils, she started her art journey with soft pastels, where she developed the skill of creating paintings of pets, reflecting their personality, and giving great pleasure to her clients. As much as Sally loved pastels, when wondering through art museums in Europe, she discovered impressionist paintings and they excited her art mind....the seed was planted, and out came the oils and the palette knife.


Sally thinks that any artist will tell you that art is a journey of discovery. As a painter, she study her subject as though she had never seen it before. All those colours and shapes, all those different tones and the joy of working them out, then stepping back and seeing them come to life on a canvas. The finale is seeing it mounted on a wall so that it can be enjoyed every day. Sally is also represented by the Seaview Gallery at Moffat Beach.  

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